Olive Eggers
This trendy variety is a hybrid created specically for these dark green eggs. You can see how this unique creation is made in the chart below. Crossing our Marans to Easter Egger or Crested Cream Legbar hens, we have had tremendous results with these hardy abundant layers. When you order these eggs to hatch, the 'mother' eggs you recieve will be light green but the resulting chicks should grow to lay dark mossy eggs. The offspring is an F1 and both feather and egg colors may vary but it's a fun suprise to wait for.
Also available are F2B generations that are Olive Egger hens bred back to Marans. These chicks feather colors vary greatly and the potential egg color can vary from chocolate to any shade of green, truly a bit of an egg genetics project.
Experimental project in the works available as well. Speckled laying Welsummer hens crossed with Olive Egger roosters. The goal is for speckled green eggs. In the same pen there are Olive egger, Dark Brahma, Faverolle, Buff Orpington, and Speckled Sussex hens.
Please see current price sheet.
Olive Egger chicks (purple band is an F2B; WM X ME, basket is an F1;CCL X WM, green band is an F2B; ME X WM)
Olive Egger hen (EE X BCM) currently bred to Wheaten Marans.
Egg color genetics explanation chart.
Pictured here are Crested Cream Legbar X Wheaten Marans chicks with a Cream Legbar egg and a Marans egg. You can see a slight crest poof at the top of their heads.
Eggs from Olive Egger hens.
EE and CCL eggs crossed with Marans roosters. The resulting chicks will lay dark greens.