

Originally from France, Marans are known for their gorgeous dark chocolate-russet brown eggs and fine flavored meat. The breed is documented as early as the 13th century by crossing game birds with local marsh hens. The birds themselves are medium dual purpose "farm" type hens with lightly feathered legs and come in multiple colors. At our farm we have both Black Copper and Wheaten varieties with potential for blue in either and bred following the APA standard.

Blue Genes Explained

These genes work like a typical punnet square and are commonly referred to as BBS. Therefore, the results of a breeding vary in color depending on the parents.

BB=Black (Homozygous Dominant)

Bb= Blue (Heterozygous Incomplete Dominance)

bb=Splash (Homozygous Recessive)


BB X BB = 100% Black

BB X Bb = 50% Black, 50% Blue

BB X bb = 100% Blue

Bb X Bb = 25% Black, 50% Blue, 25% Splash

Bb X bb = 50% Blue, 50% Splash

bb X bb = 100% Splash

*Remember there is always potential for mutations and error but this is the general rules*